To grow tomorrow, you need to know where you stand today. A student knows the same by taking tests but how will a businessperson know where his/her business stands? The answer is by valuation of the business. Business valuation is as important to your business as to your body is your regular health check-ups.
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Albert Einstein once said, ‘Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it.’ The good thing about what he said is, its not just applicable to compound interest but for any kind of investment. If you’re investing, you need to know what are you investing in?
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Listing is the formal admission of securities/shares of a company to the trading platform of the Stock Exchange. In Layman terms the company’s shares, debentures etc get listed on a particular Stock Exchange and investors can buy in a share also called Equity. So now that we have understanding of the term Listing, let’s get straight to the benefits.
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Financial Tips for a Start-up Business
We know that it is quite tough to do a start-up business and lots of businesses face difficulty due to cash-constraint. Thus, Gretex Corporate Private Limited comes up with some great financial tips which will be beneficial for a start-up business
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After compliance with the formalities contemplated in the Companies Act, a company is formed with Authorized and Paid-up Capital to run a company with its objectives. Subsequently, with a mind to achieve its ultimate goal, a company needs additional financial resources and the same can be done by IPO to both Institutional Investors as well as Private Investors.
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